Chris Perkins, president of CoinFund, a web3 investment firm, discusses his experience at the Crypto Bahamas conference before diving into an FTX.US proposal that would allow for direct trading of crypto derivatives in the US – which appears to be rocking the boat of financial industry titans. Show topics:

  • Chris’s two biggest takeaways from his Crypto Bahamas experience
  • how Chris’s experience at Lehman Brothers and Citi prepared him for crypto 
  • what issues arise via the plumbing of traditional financial markets
  • why centralized intermediaries make derivatives trading inefficient
  • what FTX.US is proposing and how it could be a boon for retail traders
  • how crypto settlement would work compared to the current batch trading method
  • why the acquisition of LedgerX enabled FTX.US to make this proposal
  • what license FTX.US feels like it no longer needs since it can settle derivative transactions on a blockchain
  • whether FTX.US would expand to other derivatives and what that might do to an entity like CME
  • what Chris is listening for in the CFTC’s public discussion surrounding FTX.US’s proposal 
  • whether FTX.US’s proposal will be a partisan issue

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Episode Links

Chris Perkins

Coverage of the FTX.US Proposal

Unchained Coverage of FTX.US and LedgerX