At Non-Fungible Castle 2021, an NFT exhibition in Prague, four NFT experts discuss the legal implications of NFTs. Guests include Jonathan Victor, product/business development at Protocol Labs; Louis Baudoin, advisor at Monax; Diana Stern, product counsel at Stripe; and Shant Marootian COO at Show highlights:

  • what users are receiving with the purchase of an NFT
  • how the terms of service for different NFT marketplaces change NFT rights
  • how on-chain storage and off-chain storage affects NFT ownership
  • what rights do creators need to mint an NFT
  • what recourse creators have if someone mints their art as an NFT and profits from it
  • whether NFT marketplaces should respect NFT royalty standards on resales
  • how NFT marketplaces could make it easier for creators to clarify licensing and royalty standards
  • whether NFTs should be regulated under existing laws and what gaps in regulation need to be filled
  • when an NFT should be considered a security
  • how different jurisdictions may work together to regulate NFTs
  • why money laundering is a problem for NFTs
  • how a DAO could go about owning an NFT or IP
  • what would happen to NFTs and DAOs if Ethereum were to suffer a hard fork again
  • why DAOs should stay compliant with traditional regulations
  • how to improve licensing and industry standards for NFTs
  • whether NFTs should be considered as financial objects
  • what would happen if a museum fractionalized the Mona Lisa

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Episode Links:

Non-Fungible Castle 2021

Jonathan Victor

Louis Baudoin

Diana Stern

Shant Marootian