Kevin Zhang, vice president of business development at Foundry, breaks down the latest developments surrounding China and bitcoin mining. Show highlights: 

  • how he came across crypto and which Bitcoin OG he joined at to help start its mining operations arm
  • what Foundry does and its relationship with Digital Currency Group (DCG)
  • why DCG wanted to build out a mining infrastructure business
  • what news from China in early March kickstarted the process of the mining ban
  • how China’s Central Television broadcasting company might have brought extra scrutiny to cryptocurrencies 
  • what the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party has to do with its Bitcoin mining ban
  • why the Inner Mongolia and Sichuan Bitcoin mining bans were especially disruptive for Chinese miners
  • how much of China’s hash rate Kevin estimates has been shut down since May
  • where are miners relocating to 
  • why Chinese mining equipment will not be allowed to turn on in the US
  • whether or not China’s Bitcoin mining ban will stick
  • why China banning bitcoin mining will be good for the network in the long run 
  • what significant risk to Bitcoin’s network is solved by China banning bitcoin mining
  • how much Bitcoin’s hash rate will drop and what effect this will have on miner revenue
  • why Kevin thinks that Bitcoin is good for renewable energy
  • how immersion cooling technology works
  • what tangible benefits miners could find by moving to North America
  • if El Salvador’s volcanic bitcoin mining plan is feasible
  • what Kevin predicts will happen in the Bitcoin mining industry for the latter half of 2021

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Episode Links

Kevin Zhang

Foundry, Subsidiary of DCG

China’s Bitcoin Mining Ban