Matt Hougan, chief investment officer of Bitwise Asset Management, discusses a milestone Bitwise reached this week — hitting $100 million in assets under management. He also covered

  • what has been driving interest in Bitwise products
  • the two types of customers who have been especially interested in purchasing crypto assets this year and why
  • what this says about the maturation of the industry compared to during the 2017 bubble
  • how conversations with Bitwise customers have changed since then
  • what impact this week’s bullish JPMorgan research note about Bitcoin could have on investors and why it was so significant
  • what the significance will be of the integration of bitcoin, ether and other cryptocurrencies by PayPal next year 
  • how Microstrategy and Square putting Bitcoin on their balance sheets will pave the way for other corporations to do so
  • how the new Fed policy of targeting an average 2% inflation rate could affect Bitcoin
  • how recent regulatory actions, such as with BitMEX, affect the likelihood of a Bitcoin ETF being approved in the next few years
  • how a company like Bitwise, which interfaces with traditional investors, creates viable investment vehicles around DeFi for its clientele
  • what a Trump win vs. a Biden win could mean for the crypto industry

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Episode links:

Matt Hougan:


Bitwise reaches $100 million in AUM:

JPMorgan research note on Bitcoin:

Matt’s piece on the significance of the OCC letter giving banks the authority to custody crypto assets:

Matt’s essay on how the Fed’s new approach to inflation could affect Bitcoin:

Matt’s post on DeFi:–opportunity-in-programmable-money–defi/#67e88a364818

News Recap: