Unchained is seeking a part-time editor to edit news, consisting of:
- Daily news articles
- The Unchained Daily newsletter
- The weekly news recap
and to edit an evergreen section, consisting of:
- An SEO-driven evergreen sub-section on crypto and blockchain concepts and terms
- A reviews and recommendations sub-section for crypto-related products and services
Responsibilities and Duties:
- Edit daily news articles
- Edit daily newsletter
- Do first edit of weekly news recap on Thursdays
- Create vision for evergreen section
- Manage and cultivate freelance writers
- Conceive of concise, digestible format for articles
- Along with writer(s), establish criteria for reviews
- Assign and line edit five evergreen articles a week
- Choose newsworthy and SEO-priority topics
- Manage evergreen editorial calendar
- Re-package existing content where relevant from previous podcasts/videos, newsletters, Bulletin and Medium articles, Laura’s book(s), etc.
- Art and web production
- Compile and dissect analytics on the performance of articles in the sections
- Possibly re-package material into courses
Qualifications and Skills:
- Knowledge of the crypto space
- Strong editorial judgment
- SEO and affiliate knowledge
- Experience managing freelancers, setting a production schedule, and line editing
- Ability to write snappy subject lines, headlines and blurbs
- Copy editing/proofreading skills
- Web production skills
- Video/audio production skills a plus
- Creative, resourceful, persistent self-starter
- Detail-oriented
- Especially interested in candidates located in Australia or Asia or willing to work early morning Europe/Asia
To apply:
Please email [email protected] with the subject line “Part-time editor application” with an email about your interest in the job, your experience and your qualifications, as well as a copy of your resume and some examples of your writing.