Trading Policy
Unchained strives to report on the crypto and blockchain industry fairly, accurately and transparently. We verify information before publishing it, use original sources whenever possible, and provide context so as not to misrepresent a story. Unchained will identify sources clearly and, in the case of single anonymous sources, explain why anonymity has been granted. Our reporters act independently and disclose unavoidable conflicts of interest. News and sponsored content will be clearly labeled, while advertorial will display a single sponsor who is unnamed in the content. When mistakes occur, Unchained will acknowledge them and correct them promptly and clearly.
While aiming for these goals, Unchained understands that reporters also have financial goals and may want to invest in assets that the publication may cover. To that end, company policy is that reporters must disclose their crypto-related financial holdings above $1,000 and any conflicts of interest in their author bios. Additionally, with the exception of automated trades such as dollar cost averaging for the top two assets (currently Bitcoin and Ethereum), they are prohibited from trading or investing in any crypto within 48 hours before and after publishing an article about that asset. They also must not use any information obtained in the course of their reporting for short-term profit.