Aarika Rhodes is running for Congress in Rep. Brad Sherman’s District – and she is pro-Bitcoin. On Unchained, she discusses her views on BTC, financial education, and why anyone who holds crypto should vote for her instead of the notoriously anti-crypto Sherman, famous for his rant about Mongoosecoin. Show topics:

  • why Aarika, a teacher by profession, decided to run for Congress
  • why Aarika believes that being pro-Bitcoin will put her on the right side of history
  • whether she is only pro-Bitcoin or whether she is for other cryptocurrencies too
  • how Aarika’s outlook on crypto differs from her opponent, Congressman Brad Sherman
  • why Aarika believes that being pro-Bitcoin is the same thing as being pro-innovation
  • how accepting Bitcoin for her campaign works on the back-end
  • why she thinks personal finance should be taught in schools
  • why Aarika thinks Bitcoin will have a significant impact on midterms
  • why she believes Bitcoin is a bipartisan issue
  • what Aarika thinks about Bitcoin’s energy usage

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Episode Links

Aarika Rhodes

Extra Listening

Brad Sherman vs. Crypto