Shrina Kurani, a Democrat running for a House seat in California, and Morgan Harper, a Democratic candidate running to represent Ohio in the US Senate, explain why they are running pro-crypto campaigns. They discuss how crypto will affect the 2022 midterms, justify being both pro-crypto and pro-environment, and talk about the importance of educating regulators about Web3. On this episode of Unchained, they highlight:

  • how Morgan’s work at the American Economic Liberties Project and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau led her to run for Senate on a pro-crypto platform
  • why Shrina chose to mint NFTs on Solana to help fundraise for her campaign
  • what issues Morgan and Shrina have with the current financial system (and how they believe crypto could help solve such issues)
  • why both Shrina and Morgan stress that education is the key to making effective crypto policy in the US
  • what message Shrina and Morgan want to send to fellow Democrats about the crypto industry
  • why Morgan believes that single-issue voting for crypto candidates could be dangerous

Thank you to our sponsor! 

Morgan Harper

Shrina Kurani

Additional Reading