Sunny Aggarwal, co-founder of Osmosis Labs, talks about how Osmosis is being built, the innovations that are coming, the reasons to use app chains, and much more. Show highlights:

  • how Sunny got into crypto 
  • how the DAO hack turned him off Ethereum at first 
  • how the scaling issues with Ethereum got him interested in the Cosmos vision of app-chains
  • why he is interested in Proof of Stake
  • what the vision of Cosmos is
  • how Sunny compares the evolution of blockchains with human evolution
  • why he thinks that Cosmos integrates the best of Bitcoin and Ethereum networks
  • why he thinks that having more than one Proof of Work chain is fundamentally insecure
  • which three technologies are necessary for Cosmos to succeed
  • what IBC and the Cosmos SDK do
  • why Sunny decided to build Osmosis 
  • how automated market makers are massively underexplored
  • why UX is such a priority for the Osmosis team
  • why Sunny does not want to list the OSMO token on other exchanges
  • why Osmosis has a curated DEX as well as a permissionless one
  • how Osmosis governance works 
  • how security is provided on Osmosis
  • what superfluid staking is
  • how CosmWasm helps Osmosis compete with centralized exchanges
  • how Osmosis is solving frontrunning with threshold encryption
  • why the Osmosis team chose Axelar for bridging
  • whether Yuga Labs could have used an app chain 

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Sunny Aggarwal3




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